bringing agriculture to a classroom
Louisiana Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom
“To educate and increase understanding of agriculture and instill an appreciation for our renewable food, fiber and fuel systems.
Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) is a distinctly focused, uniquely structured grassroots program coordinated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Our goal is to help students gain a greater awareness of the role agriculture plays in the economy and society, so that they may become citizens who support wise agricultural policies. AITC is carried out in each state—according to state needs and interests—by individuals representing farm organizations, agribusiness, education and government. Our state program is coordinated by the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation.
Louisiana Ag in the Classroom provides resources and training for teachers to integrate agriculture across the curriculum. We do not ask teachers to take time out of their very busy instructional day and teach a lesson on agriculture. Instead, we provide lessons designed to support core subjects by integrating agriculture into lesson plans and upholding the Louisiana Department of Education Grade-Level Expectations.
Ag Literacy Program
The Louisiana AITC Ag Literacy Program seeks to cultivate agricultural literacy by sharing the story of agriculture with elementary students across the state. Ag Literacy supports Louisiana Ag in the Classroom’s mission to educate and increase understanding of agriculture and instill an appreciation for our renewable food, fiber and fuel systems.
Louisiana Ag Week — March 17-21, 2025
Louisiana Ag Week celebrates the contributions of agriculture to our everyday lives. The goal of Louisiana Ag Week is to share how food and fiber products are produced, promote the essential role of agriculture in maintaining a strong economy, and appreciate the role agriculture plays in providing safe, abundant and affordable products.
Louisiana Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom State Chair Sally Ramagos
Congratulations to Chantelle Hataway, the 2024 Louisiana Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Hataway is a a third-grade teacher at Lafargue Elementary School in Avoyelles Parish. She wins a trip to the National AITC Conference, $500 and an iPad.
Applications for the 2025 Louisiana Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year will be available September 15, 2024. The annual award recognizes a Louisiana teacher for achievements and efforts in teaching students the importance of agriculture.