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Understand The Farm Bill

Do you wonder about what all the Farm Bill actually does? It’s a lot to understand. That’s why we encourage you to learn more about the legislation by clicking the link below.

Contact Legislators

Contact your legislator directly at their district office or their office on Capitol Hill. Click the link below to find all the ways you can contact your U.S. Congressman and Senators.

Watch Videos

The stories of real farmers and consumers affected by the policy in the Farm Bill are not hard to find. The TWILA team is telling those stories weekly. See those stories here.


Read Articles

There are plenty of articles out in the world of agriculture about the importance for a new Farm Bill and the dire situation the farm economy is facing as we close out the year.

Listen To Podcasts

The discussion around the Farm Bill has been happening for decades. At Louisiana Farm Bureau, that conversation has been happening on the Louisiana Farm Bureau Podcast.

Find More Information

If you have more questions about the Farm Bill or would like to learn more about Louisiana Farm Bureau, simply click in the search bar below and see what you can find.