Grassroots Government - 4-30-21

This week, La. Farm Bureau National Affairs Coordinator Andy Brown explains how some tax policies being discussed right now in Washington, D.C. could devastate family farms across the country. Also, La. Farm Bureau Lobbyist Joe Mapes brings the issue closer to home and breaks down some state tax policy affecting farmers in the Louisiana Capitol. We also discuss solar panel legislation, pipelines through farmland, and our newest U.S. Representative, Troy Carter of New Orleans.

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Monica Velasquez
Grassroots Government - 4-16-21

This week, we have our first guest on the podcast! Julia Letlow was sworn in this week as Louisiana's first Republican Congresswoman and is capping off her busy week by joining us on the podcast. But first, we discuss some issues facing Louisiana agriculture in the state legislature in the newest legislative session as well as some disaster relief updates on the national front.

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Monica Velasquez
Grassroots Government - 3-17-21

The whole team is back together in one room discussing the upcoming Louisiana legislative session and the issues likely to arise when it begins. They also discuss the way the landscape has shifted in Washington D.C. in regards to how bills are moving through the process in the new administration.

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Monica Velasquez
Grassroots Government - 1-29-21

This week, the team is back together to discuss the Biden Administration and what the new leadership means for ag policy in D.C. Also, they discuss the two vacant House of Representative seats and their importance moving forward. Then Joe Mapes joins us to discuss the more local issues facing the state legislature as their 2021 session fast approaches.

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Monica Velasquez
Grassroots Government - 9-29-20

The Grassroots Government gang is back together live and in the flesh for a fresh podcast this week. In this episode, the team talks about the latest version of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program -- CFAP 2.0 -- and what farmers need to know about it. Joe Mapes also joins to discuss the special legislative session that began this week in Baton Rouge.

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Monica Velasquez
Grassroots Government - 8-18-20

Farm-raised crawfish is now a covered commodity under the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program. In this episode, Karl Wiggers and Andy Brown break down what that means and how Louisiana farmers can take advantage of a relief money from the CARES Act passed earlier this year by Congress.

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Monica Velasquez
Grassroots Government - 6-20-20

In this episode, Joe Mapes fills us in on the latest on tort reform in Baton Rouge. Also, Andy Brown tells us the latest about national issues - especially the work he is a part of in getting Louisiana crawfish farmers and fishermen money from the latest federal stimulus packages.

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Monica Velasquez
Grassroots Government - 6-8-20

This week on the podcast, Andy Brown updates us on the ruling against the use of Dicamba, a very popular herbicide on Louisiana farms. He talks about the steps Louisiana Farm Bureau is taking to help farmers use this valuable tool that is likely already on many farms ready to be applied. He also brings us the latest on the CFAP payments that are on their way to Louisiana farmers. In the state Capitol in Baton Rouge, lawmakers are finished with week one of a special legislative session. Joe Mapes fills us in on the latest on tort reform that Louisiana Farm Bureau has been watching, as well as the status of the state’s budget.

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Monica Velasquez
Grassroots Government - 5-23-20

This week, Joe Mapes explains the latest on the tort reform bills that Louisiana Farm Bureau is watching closely in the state capitol. We also talk about the state's budget and the special session that may be coming to firm up the budget. Andy Brown fills us in on the latest from the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, which President Trump announced more details on this past week. FSA will begin taking applications from farmers and ranchers on May 26th.

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Monica Velasquez
Grassroots Government - 5-18-20

This week, Joe Mapes breaks down some bills that are moving through the state legislature in Louisiana, including a bill that will hopefully bring down the price of auto insurance across the state. He also updates us on the latest on the state's budget that now has around 2 weeks to be completed. Andy Brown updates us on work the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation is doing to help poultry producers keep the lights on. He also explains the HEROES Act that's moving around in D.C. right now as well as the latest from the USDA's Coronavirus Food Assistance Program.

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Monica Velasquez