Life Line Screening Discount: 

Save on your next appointment with Life Line Screening. Find a location near you or call (866) 228-0948 to receive your discount today! The Farm Bureau member discount code is BLFB101.

April 2025- June 2025 Screening Locations


  1. By clicking on the link, you will be directed to the Life Line Screening Website with your Farm Bureau discount code already applied.

  2. Simply click “Schedule a Screening” to begin the process of selecting your Life Line Screening location and time.

  3. Take care to review “Step 3: Screening” to make sure you select the package that best fits your personal needs and concerns. You will then be given recommendations of screening facilities and appointment times to give you the most convenient experience.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Matt Sirgo at or (225) 922-6206.

