Session Update - May 6, 2022

The regular session of the Louisiana State Legislature convened on Monday, March 13. 

 Following is a list of the Bills we will track throughout the session.  You will receive an updated report each Friday with the action that took place that week. **The bills in bold either had action taken this week or are scheduled to be heard next week.**

HB 1 by Rep. Jerome “Zee” Zeringue provides for the ordinary operating expenses of state government for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. This bill passed the house by a vote of 97 to 4 and was scheduled to be heard by the Senate Finance Committee on Monday, May 2, at 9:00 a.m. in Room A-B.

HB 62 by Rep. Larry Bagley provides relative to the fee and gross vehicle weight limits and axle weight limits for special permits. This bill was heard by the House Transportation Committee but failed to pass from committee.

HB 73 by Rep. Francis Thompson provides relative to the regulation of the commercial application of pesticides by aircraft when flying over the Poverty point Reservoir. This bill was referred to the House Agriculture Committee.

HB 97 by Rep. Tanner Magee removes the termination date applicable to levee restoration or rehabilitation work not publicly bid. This bill passed the House by a vote of 98 to 0 and was then referred to the Senate Transportation Committee.

HB 128 by Rep Phillip DeVillier provides relative to a blanket oversize yearly permit for truck and trailers hauling heavy equipment. This bill was voluntarily deferred by the House Transportation Committee.   

HB 165 by Rep. Jerome Zeringue provides relative to lease sales for wind energy. This was reported favorably from the Senate Natural Resources Committee and is now set on the Senate Orders.

HB 187 by Rep Chris Turner provides for the power of the Louisiana Agricultural Finance Authority. This bill passed the House by a vote of 99 to 0 and was then referred to the Senate Agriculture Committee.

HB 229 by Rep. Kyle Green, Jr. is a Constitutional Amendment that establishes a state minimum wage. This bill was heard by the House Committee on House Labor and Industrial Relations but the vote failed in committee. 

HB 259 by Rep. Tanner Magee provides for calling a limited constitutional convention and preparations therefor. This bill was voluntarily deferred by the House Committee on House and Governmental Affairs.

HB 283 by Rep. Jack McFarland provides relative to timber harvest season permits.  This bill was referred to the House Agriculture Committee.  This bill passed the House by a vote of 99 to 0 and was then referred to the Senate Agriculture Committee. 

HB 292 by Rep. Brett Geymann provides relative to the State Uniform Construction Code. This bill was referred to the House Commerce Committee.  It was scheduled to be heard in committee, but was removed from the hearing.

HB 306 by Rep. Kyle Green, Jr. provides for workers’ compensation intervention rights. This bill was scheduled to be heard the House Committee on House Labor and Industrial Relations but was involuntarily deferred in committee.

HB 308 by Rep. Patrick Jefferson provides relative to the unemployment compensation weekly benefit amount. This bill passed the House by a vote of 100 to 0 and was then referred to the Senate Committee on Senate Labor and Industrial Relations. 

HB 311 by Rep. Denise Marcelle establishes a state minimum wage rate. This bill was heard by the House Committee on House Labor and Industrial Relations but the vote failed in committee.

HB 324 by Rep. Joseph Orgeron provides relative to the composition of the Oyster Task Force. This bill passed the House by a vote of 102 to 0 and was then referred to the Senate Natural Resources Committee.

HB 327 by Rep. Francis Thompson provides relative to the assessment levied on soybeans grown in the state. This bill passed the House by a vote of 93 to 0 and was then referred to the Senate Agriculture Committee.

HB 330 by Rep. Travis Johnson creates the Industrial Hemp Promotion and Research Program. This bill passed the House by a vote of 94 to 0 and was then referred to the Senate Agriculture Committee.

HB 331 by Rep. Jack McFarland provides relative to the application of the timber severance tax. This bill passed the Senate by a vote of 35 to 0 and was then set on the House Orders.

HB 373 by Rep. Travis Johnson provides for the Delta Agriculture Research and Sustainability District. This bill was referred to the House Agriculture Committee. This bill was substituted for HB 398 by Rep. Royce Duplessis. 

HB 374 by Rep. Beau Beaullieu increased the fine for gross littering of tires and failure to obtain a generator identification number. This bill passed the House by a vote of 99 to 0 and was then referred to the Senate Environmental Committee.

HB 398 by Rep. Royce Duplessis increases the maximum civil penalties assessed by the Department of Environmental Quality. This bill failed to pass the House by a vote of 53 to 42.

HB 405 by Rep. Mark Wright provides for calling a constitutional convention and preparations therefor. This bill was heard by the House Committee on House and Governmental Affairs but failed in committee. 

HB 506 by Rep. Rodney Lyons provides relative to the unemployment compensation weekly benefit amount. This bill was voluntarily deferred in the House Committee on House Labor & Industrial Relations. 

HB 519 by Rep. Raymond Garofalo authorizes flood protection authority spending across various levee districts. This bill was scheduled to be heard the House Transportation Committee but was removed from the hearing.

HB 571 by Rep. Foy Gadberry provides relative to the State Uniform Construction Code. This bill passed the House by a vote of 94 to 0 and was then referred to the Senate Commerce Committee.  

HB 589 by Rep. Jeremy LaCombe provides relative to the levee and drainage districts. This bill voluntarily deferred by the House Transportation Committee.  

HB 598 by Rep. Larry Selders prohibits a building inspector form using his discretion in determining the applicability of building codes. This bill was reported favorably by the House Commerce Committee, set on the House Orders, and then returned to the calendar – subject to call.

HB 607 by Rep. Brett Geymann provides relative to penalties for the crime of simple cruelty to animals. This bill is scheduled to be heard by the Senate Committee on Senate Judiciary C on Monday, May 10, at 10:00 a.m. in Room F.

HB 655 by Rep. Jean-Paul Coussan provides relative to the management of solar resources. This was scheduled to be heard by the Senate Natural Resources Committee but was removed from the hearing.

HB 683 by Rep. Raymond Crews provides relative to royalties on dredged materials. This bill passed the House by a vote of 97 to 0 and was then referred to the Senate Natural Resources Committee.

HB 708 by Rep. Jack McFarland defines biomass as it relates to the Louisiana Renewable Energy Development Act. This bill was voluntarily deferred in the Senate Commerce Committee.

HB 754 by Rep. Robert “Bob” Owens provides for public access to the running waters of the state. This bill was scheduled to be heard by the House Committee on House Natural Resources and Environment. However, it was then discharged from committee and then withdrawn.

HB 758 by Rep. Clay Schexnayder provides relative to industrial hemp. This bill passed the House by a vote of 94 to 0 and was then referred to the Senate Agriculture Committee.

HCR 6 by Rep. Danny McCormick removes wind and solar farms from ITEP. This bill was scheduled to be heard by the House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday, April 5, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 6.

SB 17 by Sen. Beth Mizell provides for the distribution of fees collected from the “Save the Honeybee” prestige license plate.  This bill was reported favorably by the House Transportation Committee and is now set on the House Orders.

SB 23 by Sen. Bret Allain provides for the deposit of monies into the Oilfield Site Restoration Fund.  This bill is set to be heard by the House Appropriations Committee on Monday, May 9, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 5.

SB 26 by Sen Bob Hensgens provides for the terms of the members of the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board. This bill was reported favorably by the House Agriculture Committee and is now set on the House orders.

SB 48 by Sen. Mike Reese provides for changes to the Water Sector Program. This bill is scheduled to be heard by the House Appropriations Committee on Monday, May 9, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 5.

SB 55 by Sen. Stewart Cathey, Jr. re-creates the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. This bill was reported favorably by the House Agriculture Committee and is now set on the House orders.

SB 56 by Sen. Mack “Bodi” White provides for the creation, transfer, dedication, deposit, and use of certain funds. This bill was referred to the Senate Finance Committee.  

SB 100 by Sen. Stewart Cathey Jr. exempts certain visa holders from Louisiana driver education requirements. This bill is scheduled to be heard by the House Transportation Committee on Monday, May 9, at 10:00 a.m. in Room 5.

SB 137 by Sen. Jay Luneau provides relative to the board of commissioners for the Red River, Atchafalaya, and Bayou Boeuf Levee District. This bill was scheduled to be heard by the Senate Transportation Committee but was removed from the hearing.

SB 143 by Sen. Jay Morris provides relative to the concealed carrying of firearms. This bill was reported favorably the Senate Committee on Senate Judiciary C, set on the Senate orders, and then returned to the calendar – subject to call.   

SB 153 by Sen. Robert Mills provides for cooperative endeavor agreements for use of surface waters. This bill voluntarily deferred by the Senate Natural Resources Committee.

SB 197 by Sen. Mack “Bodi” White allows groundwater district commission members appointed by certain entities that furnish water for rural or municipal use to be employees of such entities. This bill is scheduled to be heard by the House Committee on House and Governmental Affairs on Tuesday, May 10, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 3.  

SB 205 by Sen. Katrina Jackson provides relative to the “Soil Conservation Districts Law.” This bill was reported favorably by the House Agriculture Committee and then set on the House orders.

SB 245 by Sens. Bret Allain and Jean-Paul Coussan provides for the Orphan Well Program. This bill was reported favorably by the House Committee on House Natural Resources & Environment and is now set on the House orders.  

SB 269 by Sen. Regina Barrow is a constitutional amendment to establish a state minimum hourly wage and index future increases according to the Consumer Price Index or its successor index. This bill was scheduled to be heard by the Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee but was involuntarily deferred in committee. 

SB 292 by Sen. Sharon Hewitt provides for regulation of greenhouse emissions. This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Environmental Quality. 

SB 293 by Sen. Bret Allain creates a state sales tax rebate for the purchase of certain agricultural fencing materials by commercial farmers. This bill was reported favorably by the House Ways & Means Committee and is now set on the House Orders.

SB 312 by Sen. Beth Mizell provides relative to broadband services. This bill voluntarily deferred by Senate Commerce Committee.

SB 351 by Sen. Robert Mills creates the Louisiana State Surface Water Integrity Act. This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Senate Judiciary A.

SB 354 by Sen. Stewart Cathey, Jr. provides for the “Louisiana Consumer Fuel Choice Act.” This bill is set to be heard by the House Commerce Committee on Monday, May 9, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 1.

Monica Velasquez